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Now offering
Energy Balancing Massage
in Keller, Texas
- Sound Baths for deep relaxation
- Guided meditations
- Mindful and Intuitive Art for transformation
- Interpretation of Tarot & Oracle Cards
-Slavic Rune Reading
136 E. Hill Street, Keller, Texas
Text Daniela to make an appointment
Open yourself to new experiences...
Mystic-MyoKi massage
Sound Therapy
Neurographica and Therapeutic Art
Wild Women's Wellness Circles
Social Crafting
Mystic-MyoKi Massage - 60 min ($99) and 120 min ($197) sessions
To secure your session a non-refundable deposit of $30 /$60 respectively is required at time of booking.
Zelle payment is accepted at 817-253-8540 Daniela Lancaster.
Experience OxyZena
Scheduled Events - ​Sign up for the below events at
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